Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ramblings for the Evening (9/13/05)

This will have to be quick as I have a lot to get to, and it's after ten. So...LET'S PLAY THE FEUD!
The Aggregator:
Somehow and someway, my little stupid blog has made it into
The Aggregator. MN Speak's directory of blogs. I am utterly flattered, though I don't understand why. You see (and this is not a compliment grab or anything like that) I'm not as funny or poignant or whatever as alot of the other blogs on that site. Slanderous Minneapolis, for example, is on The Aggregator, and they should be. They are very funny. I'm not saying that I don't want to be, because I have received a few new readers from MN Speak, but I just don't feel worthy. It's a confidence thing.
That's it for this evening. Former Mayor Ed Koch...do you have anything to add? No? All righty then. Night folks.


Admin Worm said...

Leab, it confounds me that in this day and age there are a startling number of people who understand neither parody nor irony.

I mean, The Onion is one of the most popular websites around. If the comments you received about Sherno are any indication, half the people reading The Onion think it's true.

I've run into that on my own site. Even when I post something clearly ridiculous, the subsequent comments lead me to believe that I need to post a warning in the subject line: WARNING, YOU MUST HAVE (THIS MANY) FUNCTIONAL SYNAPSES TO UNDERSTAND THIS BLOG.

Congrats on the Aggregator thing.

Ironic said...

That's what I meant with the comment I left you Worm.

Admin Worm said...

Oh, God. So there I go proving my theory by exposing myself as a moron.

THANK YOU, leab. It makes me feel better, MUCH better, to know that even one person saw the "humor" or "irony," even though it was inexcusably vicious.

Phew. So I'm NOT losing my mind. Then again...

Anonymous said...

Who knew that mocking Tim Sherno ticks off God so severely that you will end up in Hell. I'd better watch it the next time I make a crack about Chef Andrew. We all know he has a direct line to the big guy.

Ironic said...

Man, what would happen if I turned the scope onto someone else like Robyn Robinson...or Shelby. Be careful, DeRusha, be careful....