God's Ok with Meth
So Ashley Smith originally said that she used God to stop her captor...and we believed her. Now, she says she also gave Brian Nichols some Crystal Meth to, "Calm him down." Uh-huh. Remind me, isn't Crystal Meth a horrible drug? Isn't this country at war with drugs? Shouldn't this woman now be punished because of her owning these drugs? Sure, she was held hostage, and she got a huge book deal out of it.
Meanwhile, people dying of Cancer who smoke Marijuana can be arrested. Now, I don't know about you, but if she doesn't get in trouble for any of this, then there's a major problem. Either that, or it means that God is ok with Meth. God is apparently not ok with Alcholism (see AA), nor is he ok with other real substance abuse. Yet, this woman, who talked about how a certain book (no free plug for it here) and God helped her. Oh yeah and Meth too. So, this means that if I do Meth, I can still go to Heaven. Loop hole! Hoo-rah! Seriously though, if she is continued to be championed by people for being a great Chrisitan even though she used temptation to free herself, then it is more proof that religion is a crock that is now more about politics than spirit. In certain cultures, people will take a form of LSD in order to see God. Most Christians in this country look at that and say, "Oh that's uncivilized. If you truly believe in God, then you don't need drugs in order to see or feel him." Am I abdicating taking drugs? No, but I'm so sick of people bitching about how Marijuana is SO bad, and yet this woman who gave Crystal Meth (and let me tell you something, Meth is considered the WORST American-made drug now, because it's easy to make, easy to move, and when you're poor, it's cheap to have) is considered a wonderful Christian. You know what: The next time someone asks me, "What would Jesus do?" I'm going to respond, "Pot." Why? Because Meth can either calm you down or crank you up. Don't believe me, need something you can see? Go watch the film The Salton Sea, and you'll understand why tweakers are so crazy. I've never seen someone on Marijuana rip a desk in half. I've seen a tweaker do it. So, knowing how laid back Jesus was and how he had random comments about life, maybe, just maybe, Jesus was a pothead. Then again, what do I know? I'm in the corner arguing with Vincent Van Gogh's self-portrait after taking a tab. I could be wrong.
Leab, you know I lean towards Christianity...I'm certainly leaning toward the existence of God...and I'm beginning to adopt an increasingly Libertarian point of view.
I've long felt drugs...ALL drugs...should be legalized. Meth, crack, pot, whatever. Knock yourself out.
The caviat is that penalties for committing crimes while under the influence, or seeking money to pay for drugs, would be increased.
For instance, commit a property crime for drugs: ten years. Commit a personal injury crime for drugs: 25 years. Commit murder for drugs: life.
Who gives a rat's ass if people want to get f**ked up? It's like Bill Hicks used to say, on one channel you have CNN boasting about progress in the war on drugs, and on the next channel: This Bud's for you...
It's not the drugs that upset me, but the fact that a Cancer patient in Oregon (a TERMINAL patient) was arrested for using Pot, but this woman is a hero, because she used Meth (an even more dangerous drug) to save her life.
I'll let it go. Damn pasty face.
YOU'RE the pasty face.
Says the dude who probably uses, "Oklahoma" as a safety word. Let me just run my hands through my thick head of hair and think about this...
I remember they were mentioning Ashley Smith's problem with drugs, as though they were in the past in early stories. They also mentioned that she lost custody of her daughter due to her problems, right? So I wasn't all that shocked that she still had some around, but maybe that's just me. Do you think she should be arrested just to balance the scales of justice? Was being held hostage not enough?
A man gets terminal cancer and is dying. He gets some marijuana to deal with the pain. He is found out and arrested. Why? It's an illegal drug. Isn't it enough that he's dying?
My problem is not with the actual drugs. It's the fact that she is still being celebrated as this great person. Maybe it sounds crass, but if you reversed it so that she was black and he was white, people wouldn't keep celebrating her. They would say, "Well, she's black, it makes sense she had the drugs." But, because she's white, it becomes, "Well, she had to save herself."
It's just ONE of the MANY problems in this country.
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